Become a Big

is Fun!

One hour a week can change the life of a child forever.
Being a Big Brother or a Big Sister is one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling things you will ever do. You have the opportunity to help shape a child’s future for the better by empowering your Little.

Play sports together, go on a nature walk, read a book, eat a pizza, or simply give advice and inspiration. Whatever it is you enjoy, odds are you will enjoy them even more with your Little while making a life-changing impact.

There are kids ready to get started. Are you?

Being a Big Brother

More than 70% of our children waiting for a Big are boys, but only three out of every 10 inquiries to volunteer come from men.

Disproportionately the male children we serve and those ready and waiting to be matched are African American and Hispanic. Their parents seek our support, knowing a Big Brother can recognize their son’s potential and model positive choices that put him on the path for success in and out of school.

For a few hours a couple times a month you can give a Little the invaluable gift of your friendship. By simply changing their perspective of what the world can offer, you can literally start changing their lives. Sometimes it is as simple as playing video games, fishing or simply hanging out together.

Do you know someone who would make a great Big Brother? We have boys ready and waiting to be matched with a positive role model, so tell the guys you know to apply to become Bigs. They can do all the fun things they love to do already, only now they would get to enjoy it with a child who could truly benefit from their friendship.

Ready to be a Big Brother?
  1. Complete the online application below.
  2. A BBBS team member will contact you to discuss the next steps, which include
    providing references, participating in an in-person interview and a background

Being a Big Sister

As a Big Sister, you can give a young girl the opportunity to see beyond her everyday
world and dream big. It can start with simply letting her enjoy the things you already
love to do but can grow into something bigger. 

For just a few hours a month, you can give a Little Sister the invaluable gift of your friendship by simply changing their perspective of what the world can offer. Play a board game, make fun crafts or go to the playground together.

Ready to be a Big Sister?
  1. Complete the online application below.
  2. A BBBS team member will contact you to discuss the next steps, which include
    providing references, participating in an in-person interview and a background
Littles in 2022-2023 achieved
Improved pre-to-post test scores
0 %
Improved grades
0 %
Improved attendace
0 %
Improved conduct
0 %

Being a Big FAQs

Our Bigs come from diverse backgrounds just like our Littles. They are regular people, just like you. You don’t need any special degrees or job skills. You just have to want to positively impact a young person. Role models come in all shapes and sizes, and you could be a perfect fit.

As a Big/Little team, you decide together what you want to do and then you get parent approval (community based). We recommend that you keep a consistent schedule of mentoring sessions or outings and get together on a regular basis. Your case manager will provide more guidance on this. Until your relationship is established the sessions/outings will also depend on the comfort level of your Little’s parents, your Little and you.

The quality of time invested with your Little is more important than the amount of money you spend. That’s why we don’t encourage spending a lot of money.  The goal of the relationship is to help your Little see the world through a different lens so you can inspire them to become something they never thought possible. If you are going to spend money, we encourage you to seek out low-cost activities, especially in the beginning. Shoot hoops at a local park, play a game together, read a great book or share that pizza that you were going to have for lunch anyway. Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies offer donor-supported group activities that are a great way to meet other Bigs and Littles. As a Big, you may also receive notices for free tickets to cultural and sports activities for you both to enjoy.

Share an activity that gives you something in common to talk about. Buy a comic book to read together. Play a board game. Make a fun craft. Hit a bucket of golf balls at the local driving range. Take a ride in the car with the radio on and talk about the music you like. You want to select activities that give each of you a chance to learn more about one another. For children, playing can be learning. Most important: keep it simple and enjoy yourselves!

In the beginning it’s important for you and your Little to get to know each other. This can happen best on a one-to-one basis. However, over time it’s also valuable for your Little to get to know the people who are important to you. Just keep in mind that if you’re spending lots of time with others, your Little may begin to feel jealous or neglected. The main focus is the friendship you develop with your Little and the impact you have on his life.

Once you are matched with your Little, a Match Support Specialist from the agency will be in regular monthly contact with you to provide assistance and give feedback. Any time you are unsure about what to do or how to handle a situation, you will have a Match Support Specialist there to help. They’ll help you with ideas for activities, guidance for handling possible difficult situations, and feedback on how you are making a difference.

No, Littles have a parent or guardian in their life already. What they need is a Big to spend quality, one-on-one time with them. Someone to have fun with, someone they can confide in, someone like you!